
Optimize the use of AutoLex according to the types of documents processed

July 25, 2024
min read

Since the creation of, many use cases and various uses of AI have been identified, generally depending on the documents processed or the function performed. Each profession faces different problems and needs.

Thanks to its various functionalities such as gap analysis, the creation of clauses or even key questions, AutoLex makes it possible to meet different needs. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish the added value of generative AI in analysis processes, yet generative AI can take different forms and be involved at any stage of a process, from content writing to compliance analysis. Thus, find a detailed explanation of the use of AutoLex in relation to the field or type of document analyzed by the organization.

Uses of AutoLex by document type


The DDQ, a central document for fundraising

Fundraising is a crucial and risky action, as it represents a transaction of several million and sometimes billions of euros. The documents produced in this regard must therefore be precise and reliable, under penalty of serious financial and legal consequences.

The Due Diligence Question is a document designed to gather essential information about the company concerned, which allows potential investors to carry out a complete diagnosis of the organization's situation. A DDQ includes various components of a company, such as its financial situation, its mode of operation, its processes, its risks or even its legal obligations.

AutoLex, the best ally to quickly answer questions from investors

AutoLex, with its “key questions” feature, is an excellent way to find information in a few seconds within a complex and comprehensive DDQ. Indeed, AutoLex makes it possible to find information and generate it in natural language. So, if an investor wants to find information, he can use AutoLex and generate questions directly via the Word extension.

Drug regulation with NDA and AMM

The AMM and the NDA, necessary and mandatory regulations

Pharmaceutical companies are often faced with the heavy task of drafting legal regulatory documents concerning their products. Two documents stand out: the New Drug Application (NDA) in the United States and the Marketing Authorizations (NDA) in Europe. These two documents are mandatory for any pharmaceutical product and must be validated by a regulatory institution (the FDA in the United States) in order to be marketed.

Improving pharmaceutical compliance analysis with AutoLex

AutoLex has the ability to dramatically decrease the time and resources traditionally required for these tasks, allowing companies to accelerate the commercialization of their new medications while ensuring that all documentation meets the strict standards set by the authorities. The functionality of writing clauses in natural language and reviewing documents are useful tools for teams to streamline all the steps of creating an NDA or an AMM.

NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)

What is an NDA between two organizations?

The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legal contract between two or more parties who undertake to respect requirements concerning the disclosure of information determined to be confidential by the contract. The purpose of this contract is generally to protect sensitive information and to determine what information can be shared without breaking confidentiality agreements between the parties.

Automating contract review with AutoLex

AutoLex is able to analyze the clauses included in the NDA and ensure that the organization's privacy policy is relevant to the document. Thus, by defining a clear confidentiality strategy, it is possible to streamline the analysis of documents such as NDAs.

Tender notice

The tender notice and its responses

A tender notice is an official document issued by a public or private entity in order to advertise and invite potential candidates to take part in a competitive selection process for the supply of goods, services or the execution of works. The main purpose of the tender notice is to ensure transparency, fairness and competition during the procurement process.

This tender notice is the result of numerous handwritten responses, presenting the project with all the components.

Easily compare offers with AutoLex

Analyzing all these offers, and understanding the various points of interest, is a real challenge for businesses. Each document is designed in different ways, and takes into account many distinct characteristics. Thus, making the right choice in relation to your vision of the project is a real challenge. With AutoLex, it is possible to do a gap analysis between the company's strategy and the analyzed document. It is therefore possible to quickly see which documents correspond to the company's expectations and which are too far from the expectations. The flag system makes it possible to quickly visualize all the points of discrepancy and to deal with them effectively. With a well-developed strategy, document analysis time is significantly reduced. Finally, the key questions function allows you to find information in the document based on specific terms or figures.

Notarial official documents

The various notarial acts

Notaries are required to process and draft numerous legal documents during their profession. To quote:

  • Deed of gift
  • marriage contract
  • Inheritance act

Efficient review and guarantee legal validity with AutoLex

Each type of document remains quite similar, and requires a routine review of the various components. This review work can be easily automated with the AutoLex gap analysis tool. The Notary has the possibility to create a Playbook for each type of document to be processed, and therefore to adapt the analysis of the documents according to his own information.

Commercial contracts

The commercial contract and its various actors

The commercial contract is certainly the most present document within a company, yet it is very little manipulated by legal services. Negotiators, salespeople or even technical teams, many operational staff are required to process and modify contracts. However, this requires prolonged exchanges with legal services, which delay contracts that could be completed in a few days by several weeks.

Drafting, reviewing and editing by sales teams, without going through the legal department

With AutoLex, we want to eliminate these unnecessary exchanges between departments to give operational staff autonomy in the management of commercial contracts. To review and carry out commercial contracts, operational staff could use AutoLex and playbooks written by legal departments, in order to ensure the compliance of legal contracts. An exchange with legal services would only be necessary in case of doubts or exceptional problems in a contract clause.

Private equity legal documents

The letter of intent and other legal documents

Similar to fundraising, asset and investment management companies are highly controlled and require numerous legal documents for most transactions. Since these documents are mandatory and important, a lot of time is spent reviewing and auditing these key components to ensure compliance and assess risks.

Using AutoLex for the Due Diligence Process

With its advanced AI skills, businesses can perform a rapid and comprehensive analysis of legal documents, contracts, and agreements, allowing them to quickly identify potential risks, obligations, and compliance issues. The due diligence process is significantly accelerated thanks to this efficiency and depth in document analysis, allowing private equity firms to make informed investment decisions more quickly.

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